Legal Risk Detector Project Toolkit

This Toolkit was developed by Pro Bono Net and the Center for Elder Law & Justice to provide a road map for how nonprofit legal aid and elder justice programs can successfully build a Legal Risk Detector-powered outreach, issue-spotting and referral program in your jurisdiction. It contains information about the origins of the Legal Risk Detector, what it is, how it works, how the Center for Elder Law & Justice office has used it, how it be can customized for new regions, and tips for successful deployment. To view a companion webinar series for this Toolkit, visit the Resources for Advocates section.

  • Attachment(s): PDF
  • Organization: Pro Bono Net
  • Date Created: June 22, 2020
  • Last Updated: December 22, 2020
  • Pro Bono/Legal Services
  • Technology
  • Seniors